The Dressing is an ART FORM !! This was a major lesson I learned in my IMAGE MANAGEMENT, and that was surprising to me! Clothing and dressing takes a major role for winning Image and that impacts a lot for whatever kind of success you want to achieve!
You all must have read my previous post, PART 1 of my 4 outfits which I wore on different occasions during my Cruise trip recently! Now check out this Part 2 for rest another 5 Outfits !!
When we apply The principal of 4 A’s that is Authentic, Attractive, Affordable and Appropriate in our clothing that will definitely give you the charming look of which you are dreaming!
JUDITH RASBAND our global Image coach says that, “The way we DRESS affects the way we THINK, the way we ACT, & the way others REACT to us!”
And this is so true in my case, I am working with this industry since 18 years as Beauty and Image Consultant, Travelling all around the world and meeting so many new people, and in such a lifestyle of creating my winning Image to take out maximum results my Clothing and Dressing played a Vital role.
Recently we went to Cruise to celebrate Oriflame 50th Anniversary and there were around 6000 people who are all Gold Directors and above, going to stay in this Beautiful Celebrity Cruise ships for 6 nights, here we had a sailing party, many different shows, 3 different Island visits and at the end a Farewell party, as this was such a special and big event in our journey with this Swedish Beauty Company, I decided to experiment with my wardrobe which in turn gave me a great confidence to be who I am!
Well, my body shape is Slightly TRIANGLE to Ideal side with little variation of medium size midriff and bust.
My height is short where my Upper torso is little shorter compare to lower torso so my strength is my long legs:)
According to this vertical and Horizontal shape, my goal was to create an IDEAL shape by adding some elements or by creating some illusion to hide my Triangle body and also to give length to my height.
So now check out my other another 5 outfits below where u can see, how I achieved this goal and boosted my confidence to create my winning image!!
1. Dress – Royal Blue Chiffon One piece which I bought, from Ahmedabad old city where there is a big Marwadi clothing shop who has quite reasonable clothing prices. After going to several shops in Ahmedabad finally I found this color from here! We sometimes really don’t need to wear expensive clothes for great look!
2. Where I Wore? – When we got our full agenda of a cruise and When I Found to visit this City of Greece, The city of Blue and white color, Mykonos! I was very exited to wear only Blue and white color and that to I paired with my husband so here we are!
3. How did it work? – I liked the color and feel of the fabric and that comfort was needed there! My flat white Sandals from Metro added that comfort to walk a lot
4. Focal/Focus point – My statement big white necklace which I bought from Leh, Ladakh where we had a beautiful family trip recently this year!

1. Dress- Yellow printed top and black leather mini skirt – Top I borrowed from my sister in law and skirt once again very old shopping so didn’t remember!! M always happy to make Clusters from such old pieces of my wardrobe, actually that reminds me my successful sincere efforts to maintain my body shape ✌🏻😊
2. Where I Wore ?– On some day during Cruise night Shows and party on Deck 4
3. How did it work? – This yellow color is my personal color so that adds harmony, and my Cold shoulder sleeves again attract attention on Upper side! My black leather mini skirt and platform shoes give me length vertically
4. Focal / Focus point – My Blood red Lipstick from Oriflame The one intense collection

1. Dress- Cold shoulder Coral one piece Dress of Global Desi – My 1st outfit of this brand and I love the fabric and its feel
2. Where I Wore? – Athens city tour
3. How did it work? – Coral red color is my Personal color and that helped me to sunshine on that particular cloudy day ( Athens had its 1st rain of monsoon on that day ! ) My cold shoulder sleeves too worked
4. Focal / Focus point – My statement Wooden block piece Necklace which is from Kitchbynick in Ahmedabad!

1. Dress– Orange- red Blazer with Formal skirt and Top – Top and Blazer are from Mango and skirt I personally got stitched with Raymond fabric
2. Where I Wore? – In Athens where we had 6000 Gold Directors and above Business rally in Indoor stadium, Celebrating 50th Anniversary
3. How did it work? – When I thought of going to this whole day Business rally, and where there are 6000 people is going to present, I think of the best color to wear, Orange-red which is in Harmony of my Personal color. This tight fit Pencil skirt also helped me to gave right posture and body shape to create my Friendly yet Authoritative look
4. Focal / Focus point – Coral Red Lipstick of Oriflame The one Intense Collection

1. Dress- Black Chiffon Saree – From Roopkala which is a renowned Saree show room of Ahmedabad
2. Where I Wore? – In farewell party on last day of cruise at deck 14th
3. How did it work? – What I liked is the Black color, which is my favorite and when u wear your favorite color on such important Gala Dinner that automatically gives you nice feeling and attitude to shine! My Sleeve less Blouse create Interest and the Chiffon fabric with Small Golden Border is a right perfect choice according to my body shape!
4. Focal / Focus Point – Statement earings from Fadhut Jewellery(An online Jewellery portal) and Blood red Lipstick of Oriflame The one Intense Collection

I Hope you liked this both the post in this series, Girls we must DRESS HOW WE WANT TO BE ADDRESSED!! And when we dress SHABBILY, they will remember the dress! But if we dress IMPECCABLY they will remember us!!!!!!
So wanna look beautiful and want to leave your winning image, then put a serious thought and efforts on this, meet me or Contact me, definitely will help you to create your own brand!!
Purvi Shah (I-Mage Personage)
#staybeautiful #imageconsultant #ahmedabad